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"Journey into Mystery" is the fifth episode of the first season of the American television series Loki, based on Marvel Comics featuring the character Loki. It follows alternate versions of the character who are sent to the end of time by the mysterious Time Variance Authority and must work together to survive. The episode is set in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, sharing continuity with the films of the franchise. It was written by Tom Kauffman and directed by Kate Herron. Tom Hiddleston reprises his role as Loki from the film series, with other versions of the character including Sophia Di Martino as a female variant named Sylvie, Jack Veal as a young version called Kid Loki, DeObia Oparei as a version known as Boastful Loki, and Richard E. Grant as an older version called Classic Loki. Gugu Mbatha-Raw, Wunmi Mosaku, Tara Strong, and Owen Wilson also star in the episode. Herron joined the series in August 2019. Wikipedia